Sometimes tutorials can be misleading…
especially when it has been one of those weeks when you experience a never-ending stream of impossible tasks and all you’re looking for in life is one single, solitary win. You are vulnerable. Weak. Eating frosting from the can and not even using a graham cracker…only spoons.
I’ve not done that last part about frosting in quite a while, but I’ve thought about it. A lot.
That is when Pinterest gets you. When you’re vulnerable and full of frosting.
SO this week, as stated earlier, was horrifying. Not that I didn’t have an excellent time with my friends at work. This is not the issue. I had a lovely lunch with Jenn Wednesday, then Heather and I discovered a new and fascinating Instagram account to be obsessed with. We highly recommend Tinder Nightmares if you love reading extremely perverse but clever ways in which dudes try to woo ladies on Tinder. It’s mostly “R” rated so be warned. Let’s just say we laughed to the point when your body starts shutting down and all you can do is cry and gasp until you’re hunched over in your chair like you have appendicitis. Then you develop that odd laugh-cough that doesn’t go away for hours and sounds like you’ve chain smoked your entire life.
Good times.
Back to Pinterest. We just needed a no hassle, fun experiment for lunch break makeover this week. Something we could do while we ate and laughed and everyone could be a part of. Something like THIS Marble Nail Art.
You’ve likely seen it somewhere in or on the internet and maybe you’ve tried it and had success with it! We weren’t so lucky.
Take a look at the Marble Nail Art Tutorial that enticed me to choose this “trial”.
Simple, right?
Here is what happened when we tried.
Gah. Looking at finger nails up close is disgusting.
Immediately after editing this post, I went ahead and gave myself a no holds barred manicure because I clearly needed it.
The Rundown:
We learned a few simple things that may help you actually perform this nail art without being maimed.
1. Paint your nails first. A good base coat seemed to reduce bumpy, bubbly nails.
2. Be quick! Once the nail polish started to dry in the water, it just became a huge clumpy mess. You’ve got to work fast!
3. Really light colors didn’t work. Jez’s first attempt was with this pearly white shade I had brought and it just didn’t have enough substance. It looked terrible.
4. The above diagram makes #6 look so effortless. IT IS A LIE! Use some sort of tape or bandaid-something to cover the skin around your nails. I’m not sure what magician can clean up the mess that is inevitably all over your fingers with a soggy acetone q-tip, but it’s not me.
Aside from the issues we had, the nails that DID turn out were pretty. And I would consider doing them again if I had a lot of free time (not on my lunch break) and the patience to do it correctly.
But even with Jez’s fingers still stained from the purple polish, I’d say this week’s test was the most hilarious and mood-boosting one to date.
Let’s face it. Who doesn’t love a good Pinterest fail???
โฅ Liz
I haven’t tried this technique. If I did, I’m sure mine would turn out the shittiest of all!
Thank you for sharing. Have been wanting to try this for awhile and I will now skip this whole process.
It is fun, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t simple by any means!!! My makeover crew and I will literally test anything!! ๐ If you have idea, send the my way!
Just does not translate well into real nail art…but fun nonetheless ๐
Nails are not my thing! I had gorged in tutorials and still end up with painted fingers and not the nails!
This is why nail salons exist, right?!? For people like us!!! lol
Aha most definitely, there is always a way ๐
Well at least you had a laugh! ๐ I am terrible at doing anything more than just painting my nails in one colour. I always thought this looks cool, but I just knew this wouldn’t work haha
Me too! I guess nails just aren’t my thing haha! I have mad respect for nail artist!!!
I think my problem is also the fact that I have no patience. Just want them done quickly ๐
Amen to THAT!
I have seen so many people do the on youtube and they make it look so easy, but I know that if I attempted it would most likely be disastrous!!! The nails that made it look really cool! I need to keep this in mind for a rainy weekend when I want to experiment with polish! I feel like I’d panic during the water marbling process at the idea of being quick and totally mess up my nails. LMAO!!!!
It really does induce panic! We were frantically scrambling to do the drops because we figured out if you don’t…it doesn’t work lol But it was fun and if you can get them to turn out they are so pretty!
Great post! That is exactly what happened to me when I tried so it’s put me off! You have given me some great tips and inspired me to give it another go xx
I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking this was tough! I hope you try it again and are successful. Once you get it down, they are actually very pretty nails!!!
I will definitely give it another go as it is such a pretty effect x
Using tape or a band-aid sounds like a very smart idea. It was a lot of fun though!
Considering how many band-aids we have in and around our office…yeah. That was oversight on my part Jez -_- lol
This is exactly what happened to me when I tried, haha!
It is not an easy as it looks!!! Fun, good for a laugh, but not easy!!! lol