You and I are here for the same reasons (probably) and all of them revolve around food!
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Liz Schoch: professional midnight snacker
Well, I am the proud owner of a Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics, I have been a gluten-free vegetarian for 7 years, and although my credential are probably wowing you right now…that doesn’t tell you anything about me.
The truth is, I have struggled with food for most of my life. My mom used to say “we all have our cross to bear” and I’m pretty sure mine is made of solid chocolate…

eating vs. dieting
I have been either on or between diets since I was 13. By the time I was in high school I was mixing Slim-fast in a tupperware tumbler (remember those?) and trying to pass it off as chocolate milk. For the record, not one person believed it was chocolate milk.
Once I started college, the pressure to be thin and attractive intensified. I was doing pageants to make scholarship money for tuition and I was recklessly yo-yo dieting. I began to love feeling hungry. Empty. Thin. The restriction never lasted and eventually my primal instincts would kick in and those pounds I so diligently removed would return. Eating, for me, was dangerous.
I graduated from Michigan State University with a diet degree. That’s what it meant to me. My degree was an all access pass to everything weightloss related. It’s funny how no one questions your highly restrictive diet when you are a Nutritionist, except for other Nutritionists.
Then six years ago, it happened. I mentally broke. I couldn’t get the yo-yo to swing back from my “bad diet” eating and I fell into a deep depression. I tried all of my old tricks but I couldn’t make it more than a few days without binge eating. I was desperate. I turned to the internet searching for a quick fix and I found the ketogenic diet. It promised to fix binge eating behavior, rid you of sugar cravings, and cure inflammation. And with that, I was on board.
my food philosophy
I can’t tell you that KETO always works because it didn’t work for me but it taught me some valuable lessons about food and how I navigate life with food.
Thanks to the keto diet, I found that gluten and I are not friends. My chronic digestive issues nearly disappeared when I adopted a grain free lifestyle. I also found that I could make “treats” that helped stall my urges and were easier for my brain to accept as “good”. It’s not foolproof but what is?
Most importantly, I distance myself from too much “diet advice” because those urges are still there, too.
- I prefer to focus on my Vegetarian lifestyle and ADDING as many nourishing foods (and plants) as possible. It makes me feel good and I like feeling good.
- I don’t think of my eating habits as restrictive because if I want black beans or french fries, I will eat them. Sometimes even after 7 pm.
- I still think about my weight every day—that’s involuntary—but I try not to dwell on it. I also keep most of my blog posts from dwelling on it too.
All of the content has been created and is owned by Liz Schoch.You may not redistribute, sell, or use photos or written content from Inspector Gorgeous (dot) com unless you have been given individual permission.
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